Prices and Opening Hours
Chiropractic is classed as private healthcare and payment is due at the end of each appointment.
If you have any questions about whether chiropractic could help you, please get in touch for an informal, no obligation, conversation.
First visit consultation: £95.00
This includes an appropriate physical examination. Your chiropractor will also provide a report of findings which will set out what is wrong, the proposed management of the condition, the proposed benefits and any risks of treatment and the likely number of treatments required.
If the chiropractor feels able to help you, no further investigations (for example MRI or x-ray) are required and you are happy to proceed, treatment may commence at your first visit.
Treatment: £52.00
Treatments are usually scheduled for 30 minutes long and will incorporate some or all of the manual therapies outlined in What is Chiropractic?
Case review & treatment: £90.00
At your initial consultation, your chiropractor and you will agree on a proposed treatment plan, which will include the number of treatments needed within a specified time period. At the end of this plan of management, a case review is performed to evaluate progress and consider the next stage whether that be further treatment (in which case a further treatment plan will be agreed) or discharge from care.
New condition & treatment: £90.00
This is a consultation regarding a new condition. It includes a full assessment of the condition, but does not include a full health assessment as this is already on file from the initial consultation.